Sunday, July 27, 2014

                                                                                                                   هذه هي قصة الدكتورة مريم 

الدكتورة مريم رفضت عبادة إله الإسلام ولم تكن ترغب في أن تتبع محمد. هي مثال لنا في موقفها وثباتها لإيمانها ولمعتقدها مهما كانت التكلفة. لقد وضعت حياتها على الخط بسبب قناعتها ومعتقدها وحبها للمسيح.
هناك العديد من الآخرين يقفون نفس الموقف في اجزاء مختلفة من أنحاء العالم مثل آسيا بيبي، وصوان مسيح في باكستان، سعيد عابديني، بهنام ايراني في ايران وشخصين في السودان الان يواجهون نفس مصير مريم وفي عدد من الدول الاسلامية الخري.
نحن بحاجة إلى الوقوف معهم لإطلاق سراحهم. نحن بحاجة الي الاستمرار في الضغط على الدول الإسلامية لإعطاء الحرية للفرد لاختيار من يريد هو ان يعبد. لان الإيمان ان لم ينبع من القلب لن يقبله اللة.
نحن بحاجة الى ان نرى نهاية للطائفية والعنصرية الدينية في العالم الاسلامي. نحن بحاجة الى ان نرى نهاية لقوانين الردة والتكفير في الإسلام .
نحن بحاجة الى ان نرى الحرية الدينية، والمساواة، والعدالة والمساواة.
لان الدين للة والوطن للجميع.
ولان الدخول الي الفردوس اختياري لا اجباري.

13 فَاغتاظَ نَبُوخَذْناصَّرُ عِندَما سَمِعَ ذَلِكَ وَقالَ غاضِباً: «أحضِرُوا شَدْرَخَ وَمِيشَخَ وَعَبْدَنَغُوَ إلَيَّ.» فَأحضَرُوا هَؤلاءِ الرِّجالَ أمامَ المَلِكِ. 14 فَقالَ نَبُوخَذْناصَّرُ: «يا شَدْرَخُ وَمِيشَخُ وَعَبْدَنَغُو، هَلْ صَحِيحٌ أنَّكُمْ لَمْ تُشارِكُوا فِي العِبادَةِ وَالسُّجُودِ لِتِمثالِ الذَّهَبِ الَّذِي نَصَبتُهُ؟ 15 اسْتَعِدُّوا للِسُّجُودِ لِذَلِكَ التِّمثالِ فَورَ سَماعِ أصْواتِ البُوقِ وَالنّايِ وَالقِيثارَةِ وَالرَّبابَةِ وَالقانُونِ وَالقِرْبَةِ وَغَيرِها مِنَ الآلاتِ. فَإنْ لَمْ تَسجُدُوا، سَتُلقَوْنَ إلَى الفُرنِ المُشتَعِلِ! وَمَن هُوَ الإلَهُ الَّذِي يَستَطِيعُ أنْ يُنقِذَكُمْ مِنْ يَدَيَّ؟» 16 فَأجابَ شَدْرَخُ وَمِيشَخُ وَعَبْدَنَغُو المَلِكَ وَقالُوا: «يا نَبُوخَذْناصَّرُ، لا نَحتاجُ أنْ نُجِيبَكَ عَنْ هَذا الأمرِ، 17 لأنَّ الإلَهَ الَّذِي نَعْبُدُهُ يَستَطِيعُ أنْ يُنقِذَنا مِنكَ أيُّها المَلِكُ وَمِنَ الفُرنِ المُشتَعِلِ. 18 لَكِنْ حَتَّى إنْ لَمْ يُنقِذْنا، فَليَكُنْ مَعلُوماً لَدَيكَ أيُّها المَلِكُ بِأنَّنا لَنْ نَعْبُدَ آلِهَتَكَ ساجِدِينَ لِتِمثالِ الذَّهَبَ الَّذِي نَصَبتَهُ.»
دانيال٣:١٣-١٧ في العهد القديم من الكتاب المقدس .

تجد صورة لهذة القصة في متحف السودان القومي في الخرطوم في مدخل تاريخ المسيحية بالسودان بالمتحف وجدت في كنيسة فرس التي غرقت تحت مياة بحيرة ناصر في شمال السودان. قصة شيبة بقصة مريم.
1.3 Billion Muslims do not have the freedom to change Religion
FREEDOM TO CHANGE RELIGION is essential for religious freedom - without it there is no religious freedom. Apostasy and blasphemy laws in Islam strip the individual from the right to have freedom of thought, religion and conscience, and deprive the ex-Muslim the right to exist in an Islamic state.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

الحكومة السودانية كانت بحاجة لاتهام الدكتورة مريم بجريمة اخرى لتبرير سبب اعتقالها

 الحكومة السودانية كانت بحاجة لاتهام الدكتورة مريم بجريمة اخرى  لتبرير سبب اعتقالها 
أدركت الحكومة الإسلامية في السودان أن تنفيذ قانون الردة صار احراج للإسلام ولهم  دوليا خاصة بسبب الطريقة التي عاملوها بها ولأن القانون غير منطقي وغير عادل.
 لانه لا يمكن إجبار شخص على الاعتقاد والإيمان في الله إذا كان لا يرغب في ذلك. الاعتقاد والإيمان  يجب أن يأتي من القلب وإلا فإنه سيكون نفاق. إذا كان الخالق يرغب في فرض الإيمان علي الكل، لكان من الأسهل علية بكثير خلقنا كروبوتات "رجال الألين"بدل ان يعطينا حرية الاختيار. 

الحكومة السودانية كانت بحاجة لاتهامها بجريمة اخرى لتبرير اعتقالها بلا حرج دولي.
 لانهم يرغبون في إذلالها وقمعها ومعاقبتها لعدم اعتناقها الدين الاسلامي . 
أم بريئة لم ترتكب اي جريمة ولم تصب احد بأذى. جريمتها الوحيدة انها لا ترغب ان تكون مسلمة.

Sudan government needed anther crime to justify the Arrest of Dr. Meriam

They needed to accuse Dr. Merian with another crime to justify her Arrest

The Islamic Government in Sudan realised that Apostasy law is really embarrassment to Islam and to them internationally specially for the way they treat it her and because the law it self is illogical and unjust. As you cannot force someone to believe in a god if he or she does not want. Belief has to come from the heart otherwise it is hypocrisy. If our Creator wanted to enforce His believe on us it would have been much easier for Him to make us robots and not give us the freedom to choose.

They needed to find anther crime to justify her arrest. They wanted to humiliate, oppress and punish her for not reconverting to Islam without causing embarrassment.
A  mother who is innocent who hurt no one her only crime is that she does not want to become a muslim.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

This is the Story of Meriam

This is the story of Meriam

She refused to worship the god of Islam and she did not want to follow Mohammad.
She is an example for us in her stand for her faith and belief at any cost. She put her life on the line because of her conviction, belief and  love for Christ.
There are many others doing this all over the Muslim World like Asia Bibbi and Sawan Mashia in Pakistan, Saeed Abedini, Behnam Irani in Iran and two people in Sudan facing the same fate as Meriam.
We need to stand with them and set them free.
We need to keep the pressure on to see people in Islamic States have freedom to chose whom they want to worship. 
We need to see an end to religious sectarianism and racism in the Muslim World.
We need to see an end to Apostasy and Blasphemy law in Islam.
We need to see Religious Freedom, equality , and Justice for all.

Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego replied to the king, “O Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to give you an answer concerning this matter. If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the furnace of blazing fire; and He will deliver us out of your hand, O king. But even if He does not, let it be known to you, O king, that we are not going to serve your gods or worship the golden image that you have set up.” The Book of Daniel 3:16-18
Kamal Fahmi

Monday, June 23, 2014

One thing today that worries purely theologically

One thing today that worries purely theologically is that under the influence of mysticism often follows a trent from the "Christ-centered" to "God-centered" . 
This is precisely what the pluralistic theology suggests, that when Christians are encouraged to recognize the religious value in other religions (even in salvation issue). 
The deity at the center becomes extremely abstract. The different religions' images of god are only answers to "god". God is the "ultimate reality", "the ultimate perfection." Just as in certain mysticism becomes unclear whether this god is personal or impersonal. 
The mysticism of this kind is likely to ultimately make us unclear pluralists. When this crucial theological difference is unclear, love is emphasized at the expense of the importance of faith. Love is the basic requirement of a Christian today, not so much to defend the truth of faith. 
Doctrines of faith (dogma) have become mere human words, and thus the relative expression of a reality, which is actually considered to pass all human concepts.

Another example of this "God-centered" may be that many today choose to unilaterally preach “God-centered” from the Gospels about the Kingdom of God rather than Paul's letters of Christ's salvation. It overlooks the fact that the kingdom of God that Jesus preached about was centered around him. His personal claims about this kingdom was considered blasphemous by His surroundings - which did not apply to those who otherwise spoke about the kingdom of god.

In such teo-centered movements there is a risk that Jesus becomes relativized. The road should, instead, like the Jewish Christians, be going from God-centredness to see this God as defined and revealed by Jesus Christ. Jesus is not a symbol or a force without a historical person who lived, died and rose again on a locatable place and time. The special thing about Him is that He is God's normative revelation in history, which can not be repeated.
By the Swedish theologian Per-Axel Sverker translated from part of a Swedish article he wrote called Modern Trends.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Release Dr. Meriam Yahia 

When we demand the release of Dr. Meriam from prison we are not asking a favor from the Sudanese Government.
We are demanding justice and freedom from oppression. 
To demand freedom and justice is not a rebellion.
To speak against sectarianism and religious racism is not hate speech.
To stand for freedom of believe and freedom of speech is not a threat to social harmony.
To reject Apostasy and Blasphemy codes in Islam is not in contradiction with the Universal Declaration of Human Right.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

When Rose Parks refused to give up her seat, the African Americans, the civil rights movements, and the whole world stood with her which led to the end of the segregation laws in the US.
Meriam Yhaia refused to give up her Christian faith, ended in prison, pregnant, sentenced to death and 100 lashes. I wonder how many will stand with her, I wonder how far the church will stand with her , I wonder when will the international community and human right groups will take a stand to end Apostasy and Blasphemy laws in Islam.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

May 22, 2014
Dear Sudan Ambassador in Cairo
With hearts full of sadness and agony at the situation our beloved country has reached, I write this letter.
But especially to what happened to our sister, Dr. Meriam Yahia, who was jailed from February, with her son, who has not attained the age of two. She is pregnant now in her eight months, accused of apostasy and adultery because of her Christian faith.
In spite the Sudanese Interim Constitution and Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights guarantees freedom of belief of the individual and freedom for the individual to choose his/her religion or belief or to change it, if the person wishes to do so.
Article 16 of the Universal Declaration of human rights give the right to choose a life partner.
  1. Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family. They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution.
  2. Marriage shall be entered into only with the free and full consent of the intending spouses.
  3. The family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and the State.
We have no right to force anyone to marry someone not of his choice. Each individual has complete freedom to choose his life partner.
And the same thing for belief and religion. Because, if your faith does not come from your heart, God will not accept it.

As Geries Abdel Nour said:
“Going to paradise is by choice and not compulsory.
Until when we terrorize people? Until when do we force people to belief? Until when do we defend God? Does God need someone to defend him? Does faith come from the heart and conviction? Or, does it come due to pressure and terrorism?
Where is the freedom of thought, conscience and religion?
Where is the freedom of choice between two paths?
Where are human rights and equality?
Where the rights of citizenship for all (Muslims and Christians, Shiites and Bahai’, secularists and atheists)?
Religion is for God and the homeland for all”.

I urge Your Excellency, to ask the Sudanese authorities to release immediately Dr. Meriam Yahia because what the Sudanese authorities are doing is a violation of the laws of the country and international and laws of humanity.
Kamal Fahmi
On behalf of the protesters 

٢٢مايو ٢٠١٤
عزيري سفير السودان بالقاهرة

تحية طيبة وبعد

بقلوب حزينة ومليئة بالأسا الي الحالة التي وصلت اليها بلادنا الحبيبة اكتب هذا الخطاب.
خاصة ما الا الي اختنا الدكتورة مريم يحي التي سجنت من شهر فبراير هي وابنها الذي لم يبلغ الثانية من عمره. وهي حامل الان في شهرها الثامن.
متهمة بالردة والزني بسبب إيمانها المسيحي.
مع ان الدستور السوداني المؤقت والمادة ١٨ من الآعلان العالمي لحقوق الانسان تكفل حرية الاعتقاد للفرد وحرية اختيار الدين او المعتقد او تغييره اذا رغب  الشخص في ذلك.

والمادة 16 من العلان العالمي لحقوق الانسان تعطي حق اختيار شريك الحياة.
( 1 ) للرجل والمرأة متى بلغا سن الزواج حق التزوج وتأسيس أسرة دون أي قيد بسبب الجنس أو الدين، ولهما حقوق متساوية عند الزواج وأثناء قيامه وعند انحلاله.
( 2 ) لا يبرم عقد الزواج إلا برضى الطرفين الراغبين في الزواج رضى كاملاً لا إكراه فيه.
( 3 ) الأسرة هي الوحدة الطبيعية الأساسية للمجتمع ولها حق التمتع بحماية المجتمع والدولة.

لا يحق لنا إجبار اي شخص علي الزواج من شخص اخر. كل فرد له كامل الحرية لاختيار شريك او شريكة الحياة.
ونفس الشئ بالنسبة للإيمان والعقيدة. لانه لو لم ينبع إيمانك من قلبك لن يقبله اللة منك.
وكما قال جريس عبد النور
الذهاب الي الفردوس اختياري لا إجباري
الي متي نرهب الناس؟ الي متي نجبر البشر علي الايمان؟ الي متي ندافع عن  الله ؟ هل يحتاج الله لمن يدافع عنه؟ هل الإيمان ينبع من القلب والاقتناع ؟ أو يأتي نتيجه للضغط والإرهاب؟ اين حرية الفكر والضمير والدين؟ اين حرية الاختيار بين الطريقين؟  أين حقوق الإنسان والمساوة؟ اين حقوق المواطنة للجميع (مسلمين ومسيحين، شيعه وبهائين، علمانيين وملحدين)؟ الدين لله والوطن للجميع.

فارجوا من سيادتك ان تطلب من السلطات السودانية إطلاق صراح الدكتورة مريم لان ما تفعلة السلطات السودانية خرق لقوانين البلاد والقوانين الدولية والإنسانية.

كمال فهمي عن وقفة الاحتجاج

Saturday, May 17, 2014

اي نوع من العنصريه كريه وضد الانسانيه مهما كان نوعه. العنصريه ليست فقط عرقيه اي تمييز او عدم مساوه ناتج عن نوع اللون او الفكر او الدين او الجنس عنصريه. العنصريه تقود للظلم وكبت الإبداع وحظر التنوع وتقود الي المحاباة والتحيز. والتقدير فيها غير مبنى علي علي الأداء والإنجاز بل العنصريه. ومن اجل مجتمع راقي نامي ومتقدم يجب ان نقول لا والف لا للعنصريه.

الدستور الذي يكفل الحريه والعداله والمساوه لكل المواطنين من كل الأعرق والعقائد والأديان  والطوائف دون تحيز لآيهم  أساسي لنجاح الحكم وتقدم الدوله ورقي الشعب.  ويجب علي الجميع المساهمه في صياغته. هذا النوع من الدستور للدوله يحقق الأمان والاستقرار للجميع ويخلق المناخ الملائم للوحده وللإبداع  وللتنوع  والانتاج بلا تمييز او محسوبيه.

الديمقراطيه أساسها المساوه بين المواطنين  رجال او نساء فقراء او اغنياء متتدينين او علمانين متعلمين او اوميين . وإعطاء كل مواطن حقه كاملا بلا تفرقه او عنصريه.  وهدفها حماية الاقليه من هيمنة الاغلبيه. ومبنيه علي العدل . واريق حياتها الحريه. حريه الفكر والعقيدة. والا فصارت الديمقراطيه دكتاتوريه عنصريه.
الديمقراطيه بلا مساوه وعدل وحريه صارت دكتاتوريه عنصريه.

سبب أساسي للتخلف؛
سبب أساسي للتخلف في العالم عربي هو عدم استخدام اكثر من٥٠ ٠/٠ من الكفاءات المتوفره والطاقه البشريه الموجودة نتيجه للتمييز ضد المراه وعدم إعطاءها الفرص لممارسه حقوقها كمواطنه لها نفس حقوق الرجل.

كيف يفرض الايمان على الفرد قهرا والله تعالي لا يقبل الايمان ان لم يأتي من القلب
كيف نمنع الحريه عن البشر ورب الكون أعطى الحريه للفرد ليختار بين السبيلين
الانسان ليس آلة  ليبرمج ولا حيوان ليروض بل حريه الفكر والضمير والعقيدة ميزة إنسانيته
  بلا حريه التعبير وبلا استقلال في القرار والاختيار لا خلق ولا إبداع  ولا مكان للاقناع والنضوج بل تجمد وركود
لذلك قال الشاعرأعطني حريتي أطلق يدي إننى أعطيت ما استبقيت شيئا.

                                                                                                                                 كمال فهمي

Sent from my iPad

Friday, May 16, 2014

Enough is enough - with apostasy and blasphemy laws in Islam choking freedom worldwide. Let us abolish apostasy and blasphemy laws in Islam once and for all.
Enough is enough with oppression. Many were tortured, many were terrorized, many were murdered for leaving or questioning Islam. Time has come to stand together in solidarity to abolish these abhorrent, abusive and oppressive laws of Apostasy and Blasphemy.

Let us stand for freedom of thought, let us stand for freedom of conscious, let stand for freedom of believe.
Let us stand with Meriam Yahia in Sudan,
Let us stand with Saeed Abedini in Iran
Let us stand with Asia Bebi in Pakistan
Let us stand with Hamza Kashgri in Saudi Arabia
Let us stand with all who are in prison because of these laws
Let us stand with all who are in hiding because of this laws,
Let us stand with all who are deprived from their homes because of these laws.
Let us stand with 1.3 billion muslims to have the freedom to change their belief.

Enough Is Enough!

Kamal Fahmi

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Freedom start with freedom of speech

Without freedom of speech there is no freedom.
Freedom of Speech and freedom of media are very linked.
If there is no Freedom of media there is no freedom of speech.
You do not have Freedom of speech if you cannot promote it. 
If no one can hear your speech there is no use to have freedom of speech.

Control of information is power:

The first step to control people is to stop freedom of speech.
Majority and the powerful controlled the information and it was very hard to hear the voice the minority, the poor and the weak through the centuries.

Man always long for freedom as he is created to be free. Without freedom man is handicapped. His need for freedom is as his need for oxygen. Lack of freedom take life out of him. Knowing the truth set man free.
Speech and hearing are very crucial for development of the human being.

Through the the centuries man worked on developing ways of communication and expression.
Stories, poems,songs and then writing:
Writing promoted freedom of speech and circulation of information. but again it was limited to the ones who can afforded.

The printing press revolution:

Printing press helped to promote the freedom of speech. Your ideas, thoughts and views were printed and distributed . It was not controlled by the few who can afforded it. As it was more affordable for people to get information.
Before the powerful and the rich controlled the media
It was on the hand of the ones who are in power and had authority.

News papers and books where great help to loosen control on information. It gave more people the opportunity for their voices to be herd and for information to be circulate.

Radio and TV:

Radio and TV came and took over the media again and gave opportunity to cross borders and gave wider participation for free speech and circulation of information but as time went it was again more controlled by the powerful and the rich.

Man selfishness and pride and hunger for power and control leads always to control of the media and limiting freedom of speech.
The problem as time passed more and more The Media became controlled and with certain agenda to avoid accountability and to have absolute power. As freedom of speech brings accountability and protect people from being abused by authorities and governments.

Internet came and it again it took away the monopoly and the control of the media from the powerful and the rich. It made information more accessible to all and gave the individual the platform and the power to implement his his right of freedom of speech. The internet made it possible for his voice to be herd internationally.
Without freedom of speech there is no equality. Freedom of speech imp-power the weak and the poor.
The internet gave power for the individual, gave power for the weak and the small and the poor to be in the same arena with the rest.
Today the powerful want to control the internet to limit again Freedom of Speech through the law and their political e power. As the Internet challenges their dominance.

What is legal out side the net should be legal in the net.
Out lawing what is lawful out side the Internet from being posted is striping the individual from his freedom of speech and fringing on his freedom.

When the Media is controlled people are controlled. Because when you feed them the information you want and stop them from questioning you control them.
Truth is never afraid of being challenged or questioned. 
Critical thinking and freedom of expression are crucial for development, growth and knowledge. It is key for accountability and the well beeing of the comunity.

By Kamal Fahmi 

Friday, February 14, 2014

There is about 1.3 billion Muslims  who do not have freedom to change religion

People of Stockholm, people of the world, people who are concerned about Human rights, people who are concerned about freedom.

. They do not have freedom of thought conscious and religion. They do not have the right to exist as former Muslims.

This issue was brought up by the UN repourter on freedom of religion to the UN assembly in NY 2 weeks ago that freedom to change religion is basic for religious freedom.

We are here to remember the victims if Islam Apostasy and Blasphemy  laws. We are here to see a change in their situation. We are here that they may have freedom. We are here that they may have equal rights.

Muslim People are killed for rejecting Islam

Muslim People are killed for rejecting Islam, Muslim people are imprisoned and tortured for leaving islam. It is not right that people get to lose their life, get imprisoned and get tourtured for their believe.

This contradict with Article 18 of the universal declaration of human rights which give freedom of thought conscious and religion and this freedom include the right to change their believe and practice their new faith.
How can we be quite about this?
In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.
Marin Luther King jr.

Mahmoud Mohammad Taha he was executed at the age of 76 for Apostasy in Sudan.
Mahdi Debag the head of the Bible Society in Iran was arrested after the Islamic revolution in 79 and was tortured and imprisoned for 10 years. He said I am not just willing to suffer for Christ but to also die for him. After much International pressure he was released and 6 month later he was murdered.
Fatima was murdered by her family in Saudi Arabia for converting to Christianity 3 years ago after cutting her toung.
Frag  Fouda journalist and free thinker was shot and  killed in front of his office in Cairo because he was accused of Blasphemy in92.
Najeb Mafous the Literature Noble price winner was stabbed for the same reason.
Taiser the governor of Banjab was murdered by his body guard for trying to free Asia who was in prison for being accused for Blasphemy.
Shabaz the minister of Minority followed the same fate for trying to protect minorities in Pakistan. 400 christian families cannot return to their home since the teenager Rimasha was accused of blasphemy.
A number of pastors in Iran are serving prison sentences for their conversion from Islam to Christianity.
Metafi in Saudi Arabia has been in prison since he was 18 now he is 36 because he is Ismaili accused of blasphemy. Kashgari a journalist who tweeted that somethings Mohmad did I like something he did I do not like, was accused of blasphemy and 30000 tweeted he should be killed. He apologized and this didnot help. He tried to escape to New Zeland via Malaysia. He was arrested it there and extradited to Saudie Arabia. He has been in prison since then.
Around 10 countries hav death sentences for Apostates and Blasphemers.

How can we be quite about this?

“For evil men to triumph, it is only necessary for good men to do nothing.”
- Edmund Burke
How can be quite about this injustice? how can we be quite about this oppression?

Stand for freedom, Stand for Justice, stand for humanity.
Stand against Apostasy and blasphemy Codes in Islam which is chocking freedom world wide.

Stand for freedom from Fear;
 "Freedom from fear" could be said to sum up the whole philosophy of human rights.
Dag Hammarskjold

Stand for freedom of speech;
If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter. George Washington

Stand for justice ;

Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.
Martin Luther King

If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. (If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality.) Desmond Tuto

Stand for freedom Stand for justice stand for equality.
Stand for Article 18 in the Universal declaration of Human right
Stand for freedom of thought conscience and religion and freedom to change believe.

Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.

To deny people their human rights is to challenge their very humanity.
Nelson Mandela

                                                                           Speech by Kamal Fahmi in Stockholm fall 2011
 إن الإرهاب لا ينمو بصورة ذاتية، بل يتواجد بقدر ما نتيح له من مناخ، ويتوالد بقدر ما نتراجع أمامه، ويقوى بقدر ما نخاف، ويعلو صوته بقدر ما نخاف، ويعلو صوته بقدر خفوت أصواتنا، ويزداد رصيده بقدر ما نسحب منه حساب الشجاعة في بنك المستقبل.
فرج فوده. اغتيل عام ١٩٩٢ متهم بالكفر

 That terrorism does not grow by it self, but it  exist as far as we provide it with the right envoirment, and breed and flourish as far as we retreat in front of it, and get empowered as much as we fear it, and it's voice rises louder as much as we fear it, and it's voice gets louder as much as our voice fades, and increases it's tally as much as we withdraw from the courage account in the bank of the future.
Farag Fouda Egyption thinker murdered in June 1992

“Violence can only be concealed by a lie, and the lie can only be maintained by violence. Any man who has once proclaimed violence as his method is inevitably forced to take the lie as his principle.”
Alexander Solzhenitsyn

Monday, February 10, 2014

Faith Without Work Is Dead and Human Rights
James 2:15-17; 26
If a brother or sister is without clothing and in need of daily food, and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and be filled,” and yet you do not give them what is necessary for their body, what use is that? Even so faith, if it has no works, is dead, being by itself.
For just as the body without the spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead.
These are strong words. Comparing faith without work with sending a needy brother or sister back empty-handed without help. Faith and words without action loses credibility.
He goes to the extent to say it is a corpse. What use is there for corpse? The longer you have it - it starts to smell and it becomes a nuisance. The only right place for it is the grave.
I feel the same way about the Church. If it is not involved in the civil society and social justice, the Church will lose its credibility and becomes irrelevant and marginalized.
I believe if Dr. Martin Luther King was not involved in the civil rights of African Americans most of them would have become muslims.
What would have happened to the church in South Africa if it supported apartheid?

Through history the Church has been in the forefront of social justice issues; abolishing slave trade, starting orphanages, schools, hospitals e.t.c.
The church’s presence and actions must be felt everywhere in the society - in political, social and educational institutions. We have to be light and salt, not light under a bushel but like a village on a mountain.
“If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor”. Desmond Tutu
Kamal Fahmi
Set My People Free 
International Executive Director 

There Is No Religious Freedom Without The Freedom To Change Religion.
I am concerned that 1.3 billion Muslims do not have the freedom to change religion. They do not have the freedom to leave Islam.
Freedom of believe and religion is a basic civil right of the individual.
Religious Freedom is given by God. We can chose between “the wide and the narrow way”. God will not accept our religious conviction if it does not come from our heart. As God wants us to love Him and without freedom we can not love. To love we need the freedom to love or not to love. Love can not be forced.

Article 18 of the UDHR spells out this right.
Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance”.
Apostasy and Blasphemy laws in Islam are breaching article 18 and 19. As the Apostasy law doesn’t give the individual the right to change and Blasphemy law contradict with freedom of thought and speech.
If I say: “I do not believe that Muhammed is a prophet of God”. I would be accused of blasphemy. It is ridiculous, because if I had believed that, I would have been a muslim. Both accusations can lead to execution.
We need to stand up for the application of article 18 and 19 world wide. Dr. Martin Luther King said:
“Justice denied anywhere diminishes justice everywhere”.
Kamal Fahmi
Set My People Free 

International Executive Director 

The Importance Of Freedom Of Speech
The application of Article19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Freedom of thought, opinion and expression are essential for life and progress, for democracy and accountability.
In it’s presence diversity and equality flourish. There is no room for domination and monopoly.
Without free speech, without critical thinking and without a debate ignorance spread and corruption prevails. It nourishes narrow-mindedness and suffocate creativity and innovation.
Without free speech our thoughts are suppressed and we cannot express ourselves freely and we are bound by fear.

"Freedom from fear could be said to sum up the whole philosophy of human rights”.
Dag Hammarskjold
Freedom of speech, in spite the negative criticism against it, does not endanger my life. It is a place for me to freely live, think, speak, question and create.
A place where we can have different views and belief and make people accountable to one another without fear or intimidation.

Freedom of speech puts us all on a platform where we are equal without one superior over the other.
I do not want to be where there is no freedom of speech.
Where I can not speak my mind or question.

Where I cannot think different or be different.
Where I am criminalized for not conforming to the status quo of thought and punished when my words oppose the existing narrative.

We need to stand together against any restriction on freedom of speech. Without freedom of speech dictators and tyrants take over absolute power.
If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter”. George Washington
Kamal Fahmi
Set My People Free 
International Executive Director 

Secular State - Does It Mean It Is An Atheistic State?
How can we accommodate everybody in the state and give them equal space? How can we live together? Is it possible in the midst of diversity?
The reason for having a secular state was to have equal space for all, religious and non- religious.
Unfortunately the understanding of a secular state today is that it is an atheistic state. This led to discrimination against religious people in the state institutions like law and education. There is only place for religion in the privat life, but not in the state or the public space. Making the state atheistic does not give place for faith based communities.
The secular state should be neutral and give place for all equally.
Giving preference to one ideology over the other leads to injustice and inequality. The basic values of the state is the value of freedom, justice and equality.
We should have the golden rule of treating one another as we want them to treat us.

The state should provide security for the individual and participation and full citizenship in the state in spite of the background and provide freedom, justice and equality.
Freedom of thought, conscious and religion are basic for justice and freedom of speech and freedom of assembly and association are basic for equality.

We should not strip anyone from his or her civil rights.
The state values should be based on love not hate, faithfulness not corruption, truth not lies, equality not discrimination.
Laws based on freedom, justice and equality are key for living together.

For to be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others”. Nelson Mandela
Kamal Fahmi
Set My People Free International 
Executive Director

Friday, February 7, 2014

مجرد سؤال
ماذا نعنى بإساءة الأديان؟ هل نعني إساءة الله؟
هل حقاً يستطيع الأنسان الاسائة الي الله؟ هل المحدود قادر ان يقلل شان غير المحدود؟
وان كان الدين هو ألمساء اليه هل يتأثر الدين بالإساءة ام بسلوك أفراده؟
جريس عبد النور

الذهاب الي الفردوس اختياري لا إجباري
الي متي نرهب الناس؟ الي متي نجبر البشر علي الايمان؟ الي متي ندافع عن  الله ؟ هل يحتاج الله لمن يدافع عنه؟ هل الإيمان ينبع من القلب والاقتناع ؟ أو يأتي نتيجه للضغط والإرهاب؟ اين حرية الفكر والضمير والدين؟ اين حرية الاختيار بين الطريقين؟  أين حقوق الإنسان والمساوة؟ اين حقوق المواطنة للجميع (مسلمين ومسيحين، شيعه وبهائين، علمانيين وملحدين)؟ الدين لله والوطن للجميع.  جريس عبد النور تعليق في المصري اليوم

Fight for freedom for Muslims
William Wilberforce fought against slavery and the slave trade. Mahatma Gandhi fought
for freedom from colonial oppression. Martin Luther King had a dream that all would be
treated equally regardless of skin color. Nelson Mandela won the battle against a
dehumanizing political system. These men were leaders of movements for freedom.

Today we need yet another global freedom movement: freedom for Muslims. People in every culture and nation are religious. Any student of history and humanity knows this. Thus religious liberty is extremely
important because it pertains to people everywhere throughout time.

We also know that human dignity and religious freedom are intimately related. Or as a verse in the Koran
says: There is no force in religion. However, the problem is that Islam, to a large extent, is built upon fear and compulsion. There is, above all, no freedom to leave Islam.

In the spring of 2009 there was a discussion on an Arabic website about two apostates in Algeria. A man and his daughter had given up on Islam and become followers of Jesus.
The father said that Islam filled him with fear and anxiety, but Jesus gave him peace of mind and
peace for his whole being. The daughter felt that Islam treated women as mere servants and
mistresses. As a Christian her human dignity was restored and her womanhood respected.
Algerian Muslim leaders quickly condemned these apostates called for them to be killed.
This is only one of tens of thousands examples. Those who leave Islam run a risk of
being killed by the state, their family or other Muslims. Ex-Muslims in Europe face this
danger as well. One billion Muslims have less religious freedom – in one significant respect
– than Christians who live in the Muslim world. Christians are allowed to abandon their
faith and become Muslims, but Muslims do not have the right to change religions.
Laws in the Sudan and Malaysia ascribe the death penalty to those who leave Islam.
According to Egyptian laws an apostate will have his / her marriage annulled, lose custody
of children and lose inheritance rights. Laws in Saudi Arabia, Mauritania, and Iran are less
clear but apostates are persecuted and may be killed. There are severe punishments for apostates in
Bahrain, Jordan, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar and Yemen: annulment of marriage, loss of social
and economical rights, even loss of citizenship. The law against offending
“Turkishness” has been used by Turkish authorities against those who have left Islam
and Pakistan has a strict law on heresy. Is this what is meant by “there is no force in religion”?
Those who leave Islam may lose their jobs, may be killed by relatives, risk being tortured,
are denied access to higher education, may be evicted from their homes. This is a daily reality from Jakarta to Johannesburg, from Senegal to Sweden. This article is not against Muslims or anti-Islam.
No, quite on the contrary: It is for Muslims, for their freedom, for their right to religious freedom. One billion Muslims should be treated with respect and be able to enjoy this freedom which is about protecting human
dignity.This is why we need leaders and movements – like those mentioned above – who can fight
for everybody’s right to have a faith, to manifest it, and to change it. This is a foundational pillar in the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, article 18.
We are demanding freedom for Muslims everywhere. It is about their human dignity, it is about their human right.
Mats Tunehag December 17, 2009