Thursday, June 26, 2014

الحكومة السودانية كانت بحاجة لاتهام الدكتورة مريم بجريمة اخرى لتبرير سبب اعتقالها

 الحكومة السودانية كانت بحاجة لاتهام الدكتورة مريم بجريمة اخرى  لتبرير سبب اعتقالها 
أدركت الحكومة الإسلامية في السودان أن تنفيذ قانون الردة صار احراج للإسلام ولهم  دوليا خاصة بسبب الطريقة التي عاملوها بها ولأن القانون غير منطقي وغير عادل.
 لانه لا يمكن إجبار شخص على الاعتقاد والإيمان في الله إذا كان لا يرغب في ذلك. الاعتقاد والإيمان  يجب أن يأتي من القلب وإلا فإنه سيكون نفاق. إذا كان الخالق يرغب في فرض الإيمان علي الكل، لكان من الأسهل علية بكثير خلقنا كروبوتات "رجال الألين"بدل ان يعطينا حرية الاختيار. 

الحكومة السودانية كانت بحاجة لاتهامها بجريمة اخرى لتبرير اعتقالها بلا حرج دولي.
 لانهم يرغبون في إذلالها وقمعها ومعاقبتها لعدم اعتناقها الدين الاسلامي . 
أم بريئة لم ترتكب اي جريمة ولم تصب احد بأذى. جريمتها الوحيدة انها لا ترغب ان تكون مسلمة.

Sudan government needed anther crime to justify the Arrest of Dr. Meriam

They needed to accuse Dr. Merian with another crime to justify her Arrest

The Islamic Government in Sudan realised that Apostasy law is really embarrassment to Islam and to them internationally specially for the way they treat it her and because the law it self is illogical and unjust. As you cannot force someone to believe in a god if he or she does not want. Belief has to come from the heart otherwise it is hypocrisy. If our Creator wanted to enforce His believe on us it would have been much easier for Him to make us robots and not give us the freedom to choose.

They needed to find anther crime to justify her arrest. They wanted to humiliate, oppress and punish her for not reconverting to Islam without causing embarrassment.
A  mother who is innocent who hurt no one her only crime is that she does not want to become a muslim.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

This is the Story of Meriam

This is the story of Meriam

She refused to worship the god of Islam and she did not want to follow Mohammad.
She is an example for us in her stand for her faith and belief at any cost. She put her life on the line because of her conviction, belief and  love for Christ.
There are many others doing this all over the Muslim World like Asia Bibbi and Sawan Mashia in Pakistan, Saeed Abedini, Behnam Irani in Iran and two people in Sudan facing the same fate as Meriam.
We need to stand with them and set them free.
We need to keep the pressure on to see people in Islamic States have freedom to chose whom they want to worship. 
We need to see an end to religious sectarianism and racism in the Muslim World.
We need to see an end to Apostasy and Blasphemy law in Islam.
We need to see Religious Freedom, equality , and Justice for all.

Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego replied to the king, “O Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to give you an answer concerning this matter. If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the furnace of blazing fire; and He will deliver us out of your hand, O king. But even if He does not, let it be known to you, O king, that we are not going to serve your gods or worship the golden image that you have set up.” The Book of Daniel 3:16-18
Kamal Fahmi

Monday, June 23, 2014

One thing today that worries purely theologically

One thing today that worries purely theologically is that under the influence of mysticism often follows a trent from the "Christ-centered" to "God-centered" . 
This is precisely what the pluralistic theology suggests, that when Christians are encouraged to recognize the religious value in other religions (even in salvation issue). 
The deity at the center becomes extremely abstract. The different religions' images of god are only answers to "god". God is the "ultimate reality", "the ultimate perfection." Just as in certain mysticism becomes unclear whether this god is personal or impersonal. 
The mysticism of this kind is likely to ultimately make us unclear pluralists. When this crucial theological difference is unclear, love is emphasized at the expense of the importance of faith. Love is the basic requirement of a Christian today, not so much to defend the truth of faith. 
Doctrines of faith (dogma) have become mere human words, and thus the relative expression of a reality, which is actually considered to pass all human concepts.

Another example of this "God-centered" may be that many today choose to unilaterally preach “God-centered” from the Gospels about the Kingdom of God rather than Paul's letters of Christ's salvation. It overlooks the fact that the kingdom of God that Jesus preached about was centered around him. His personal claims about this kingdom was considered blasphemous by His surroundings - which did not apply to those who otherwise spoke about the kingdom of god.

In such teo-centered movements there is a risk that Jesus becomes relativized. The road should, instead, like the Jewish Christians, be going from God-centredness to see this God as defined and revealed by Jesus Christ. Jesus is not a symbol or a force without a historical person who lived, died and rose again on a locatable place and time. The special thing about Him is that He is God's normative revelation in history, which can not be repeated.
By the Swedish theologian Per-Axel Sverker translated from part of a Swedish article he wrote called Modern Trends.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Release Dr. Meriam Yahia 

When we demand the release of Dr. Meriam from prison we are not asking a favor from the Sudanese Government.
We are demanding justice and freedom from oppression. 
To demand freedom and justice is not a rebellion.
To speak against sectarianism and religious racism is not hate speech.
To stand for freedom of believe and freedom of speech is not a threat to social harmony.
To reject Apostasy and Blasphemy codes in Islam is not in contradiction with the Universal Declaration of Human Right.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

When Rose Parks refused to give up her seat, the African Americans, the civil rights movements, and the whole world stood with her which led to the end of the segregation laws in the US.
Meriam Yhaia refused to give up her Christian faith, ended in prison, pregnant, sentenced to death and 100 lashes. I wonder how many will stand with her, I wonder how far the church will stand with her , I wonder when will the international community and human right groups will take a stand to end Apostasy and Blasphemy laws in Islam.